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Health and Beauty

The Face Roller: Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use It

The face roller is more commonly known as the derma roller or microneedle skin roller. It has gained popularity in recent years among beauty experts and home DIY beauty users. On the surface, it may look like a crude little device with numerous needles attached. Why is such an obscure device so popular? The reason is simple. It works. In this article, we look at the top reasons why you should absolutely get one!

Reason 1: Face rollers helps remove blemishes such as acne scars and stretch marks

Face rollers are basically rollers with microneedles attached at the top. They are hand held and you roll the microneedles across your skin as you hold on to the stick-like handle. The process of rolling needles across your skin is known as dermal rolling or micro needling.

How does torturing your skin with needles like that benefit it, you may ask? Well, to put the science behind simply: the microneedles cause micro lacerations (or tears) in the top layer of your skin (called epidermis). These tears are not visible on the surface. As your skin attempts to repair the damage, it produces collagen, which are the gel or jelly that hold skin cells together, and new skin cells replace the old ones.

It is through this process that scar tissues and stretch marks are gradually removed by the face roller. Depending on the severity of your skin condition, you may start to see results as early as the fourth session.

Reason 2: Face rolling is cost-effective and convenient

Unlike expensive laser skin treatment and dermabrasion that can only be conducted at the doctor or dermatologist’s office, you can purchase a face roller for less than $50, and use it for up to 6 months. Imagine the cost savings! You can buy it from any reputable online beauty and wellness shop, such as microneedling – one of the best online beauty shops in Norway.

Using a derma roller is also convenient as you can bring it around wherever you go, and can use it at your own time and convenience. If you are someone who is perpetually short of time, you will be excited to know that it takes you only about 20 minutes to complete a microneedling treatment!

Reason 3: It is low-risk and non-invasive treatment

Used properly, a face roller is relatively risk free. This is unlike more invasive procedures like laser surgery where there is a moderate risk of scarring and burning, even when applied by trained practitioners.

Moreover, it is completely safe for people with allergies to chemicals, or people who are advised not to undergo laser treatment or use beauty creams due to medical conditions (pregnant women for example).

Reason 4: It maintains your skin

My skin is blemish free! I just want to maintain its radiance and make it look more youthful, you may say. Great! Understand that a face roller is not just used to treat skin problems and blemishes. It can also be used on a regular basis to even out your skin tone, and stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells.

Dermarollers can be used to slow the process of aging, as regular use may prevent fine lines and wrinkles for forming. Because it stimulates collagen, it also keeps your skin tight and supple.

Reason 5: Many choices online

Even as you are considering purchasing a roller for use, you do not have to step out of your house! There are many choices out there, but the three best dermaroller brands we recommend are:

  • Scientia Derma Roller
  • Dr. Roller
  • New Spa

All of these are available online. If you need a more in-depth review of dermarollers, read our review article here.

Health and Beauty

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is connected to your perception. When this chakra is open, you can experience clairvoyance, clear thinking and focus. You can also experience empathy for others and trust in oneself when this chakra is balanced.

When your Third Eye Chakra is closed or out of balance, you can depend on others and can feel confused and insecure about making decisions. You can also experience frequent daydreams, sleep problems, lack of assertiveness and fatigue as you can see from this – How To Open The Third Eye Chakra article.


A simple meditation for balancing the Third Eye Chakra:

  1. Sit cross-legged, in a chair with your feet planted on the ground, or lay down.
  2. Lay your hands on your lap or at your sides with your palms facing up.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Take a deep breath, hold, count to four, and slowly exhale.
  5. Using your “inner eyes”, look up and focus on the area in the center of your forehead.
  6. Visualize the Third Eye Chakra opening as you see a purple or indigo ball of light expanding this chakra. You may feel a tingling sensation.
  7. See it in expanding and cleansing your Third Eye Chakra.
  8. After some time, reduce the size of this ball to fit within your third eye area.
  9. Continue this meditation for as long as you feel necessary.


Crystals used for balancing the Third Eye Chakra:

  • Amethyst
  • Azurite
  • Blue Celestite Fluorite
  • Fluorite
  • Iolite
  • Labradorite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Moonstone
  • Pyrite
  • Quartz Crystal
  • Sodalite

Choose a crystal for the Third Eye Chakra and place it on the center of your forehead. This can help promote intuition and memory. It can also increase perception, understanding and knowledge.


Essential oils used for balancing the Third Eye Chakra:

Lavender, elemi, sandalwood, frankincense, melissa, neroli, rose and jasmine oils are often used for meditation and in rituals.

Clary sage, chamomile, geranium, lemon, rose and tea tree oils can help with eye problems.

Rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus and sandalwood oils can be useful for sinus problems.

Peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, melissa, marjoram and rosemary oils can be great for headaches and migraines.

Lavender oil is useful for balancing all seven chakras.

Health and Beauty

What is PTSD?

Despite the unfortunate prevalence of PTSD among the population, there still may be many who may be wondering, what is PTSD? The letters PTSD stand for post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is generally triggered when an individual has survived a traumatizing event of some sort. It is commonly associated with soldiers who have been through horrific wartime events, but it can also be caused by other types of trauma, especially in the young.

Neglect, physical and sexual abuse, disasters, and a host of other occurrences can be the cause for an individual’s PTSD. For children, the likelihood of PTSD manifestation is increased or decreased by sever peripheral factors after trauma has occurred. The way in which parents and others close to the child react can play a big role in the severity of their condition. How close to home the trauma took place is another factor which can effect an individual’s PTSD.

Though the signs and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder may manifest themselves differently from individual to individual, there is some common ground that can help mental health professionals diagnose and treat the disorder. Depending on the age of the patient, symptoms may include flashbacks, jumbled memories, repetition of traumatic events, aggressive behaviors, and/or impulsive decision making.

Fortunately, modern science has allowed specialists to understand this disorder to a certain degree, and finding a good PTSD psychiatrist is just a click away if you use the internet. Just type something like “PTSD psychiatrist near me” and you will be presented with several psychiatrist’s sites. And there is a lot of information which parents and loved ones might find useful when trying to help an individual suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Health and Beauty

Chemical Peels Types

Chemical peels whether superficial, medium depth, or deep are made from acidic solutions. Different acids at different concentrations are used to create chemical peels of various strengths.

The weakest superficial chemical peels are created from natural acids such as citric acid, malic acid, lactic acid, and tartaric acid. These can be used at home to improve the complexion and radiance of your skin.

Professional superficial chemical peels use Alpha-hydroxy acids and Beta-hydroxy acids. Glycolic acid is the most common superficial chemical peel used. It is an Alpha-hydroxy acid, which is used because it has small molecules allowing it to penetrate the skin easily. It works by attacking the lipids that bond dead skin cells causing them to come away from the skin. Sometimes salicylic acid is used rather than glycolic acid. Salicylic acid is a Beta-hydroxy acid, which is more successful at removing oil and debris from the skin. As a result, it is often used in Medical spas in the treatment of acne. To find the best chemical peel clinic in Atlanta, it would be best to search on internet. Type something like “Chemical peel near me Atlanta” and you will get several Med spas to choose from.

Medium depth chemical peels give much more vivid results. Trichloroacetic acid is the most commonly used medium depth chemical peel. This penetrates deeper into the skin going through the top layer. It destroys the top layers of skin causing skin regeneration to take place.

New skin cells, which come from the hair follicles, replace the old skin within a week to ten days of treatment. Trichloroacetic acid also promotes the creation of collagen globules. These help to fill out lines, wrinkles, and scars by providing support for the upper layers of skin.

Deep chemical peels are the most aggressive type of chemical peel. They are used for severe skin blemishes, deep lines, scars, or wrinkles, and can also be used to remove skin growths such as warts, pre-cancerous growths, and skin tags. Phenol is the most common acid used for deep chemical peels. It penetrates deep into the skin destroying the top layers and promoting the growth of new skin cells from the hair follicles.

It also stimulates the production of a large amount of collagen. This forms a band of collagen, which sits beneath the upper layers of the skin giving the skin support and filling in lines, scars, and wrinkles.

Health and Beauty

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a technique most commonly used for relaxing muscles, but it does a whole more than that for the entire body. A properly trained massage therapist in Burnaby can apply pressure to various areas of the muscular structure of the body through a motion of kneading, compression, friction and pressure. By using manipulation techniques of the superficial and deeper layers of muscle, massage enables the healing process to become enhanced.

The main components which are manipulated within the connective tissue are not only the muscles but tendons, ligaments, skin and joints are massaged. This application can be administered either through the therapist’s hands, elbows, knees, forearm or feet. In doing so the massaging technique can benefit not only the connective tissue and muscular joints but it can also help other body systems to realign such as the nervous, lymphatic and circulatory systems leaving the client feeling a sense of overall well-being and relaxation.

Massaging can also be a purely recreational activity as well as an activity which is used for healing. The massaging process can take place either on a massage table, the floor, a massage chair or simply laying on a bed.

What is Massage Therapy Used For?

Massage is a therapeutic therapy and has been used for many years to help clients gain relief from a number of health problems such as:

  • Relief from chronic pain – neck, arms, back, shoulders, legs
  • Allows aching and tight muscles to relax
  • Can lower blood pressure and heart rate
  • Can help muscle spasms, stress and tension
  • Reduces mental stress, aids with relaxation
  • Promotes rest and better sleep function
  • Helps with pregnancy discomfort and circulation
  • Relief for migraine headaches
  • Aids with rehabilitation from sports injuries
  • Can help with anxiety and depression issues

There are many different types of massage such as sports massage which is aimed at specific targets and needs of an athlete. Deep tissue massage is a technique which is used to help relief muscles which are extremely tight and painful.

In general once massages are carried out by a trained therapist there should be no risk involved. The best way to find Registered Massage Therapist Burnaby professional is using the internet. That being said there are a number of reasons when massage techniques should not be used. Massages should not be used if there are health concerns such as blood clots, if a client is taking blood thinning medications, if there is an open wound or bone fractures, anyone who has osteoporosis should avoid massages and anyone who may have a tumor should avoid massages.

Health and Beauty

Types Of Dentures Patients Should be Aware Of

It is important to be aware of all of your options when you are considering dentures for the first time. While no one wants to have to wear dentures, by being aware of your options, you can help to ensure that you get the best fitting and best looking dentures that you can afford. Since budget is often a factor when deciding which kind of dentures to get, you may want to spend a little time looking over the prices for the various teeth replacement options. Just like anything else, it pays to compare prices among providers in order to get the best deal when getting dentures the first time. Following, we’ll examine some of the denture options patients have when it comes time to replace their natural teeth.

Partial Dentures

Patients who do not need to replace all of their teeth may consider partial dentures. Most dentists recommend that patients keep as many of their teeth as possible. Even if the majority of your teeth need to come out, there is no reason to remove healthy teeth. Patients who have even one healthy tooth remaining on each side of their mouth are potential candidates for partial dentures.

Partial dentures are used to replace as few as two teeth and they can also be used to replace most of your natural teeth. They can be fitted to anchor on to natural teeth, which provide stability to the partial. If you think you might be a candidate for partial dentures, talk to your dentist about the possibilities.

Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures are used to replace all of the teeth in a patient’s mouth. Of course, some patients only need the upper or lower plate instead of the full set. Partial dentures can also be combined with traditional dentures so that you could have a partial denture to replace missing upper teeth while you could have a full lower denture at the same time.

Traditional dentures range in price from the economy set, which you’ll often see advertised for about $300 to the higher quality false teeth that can cost hundreds of dollars more. Like anything else, you get what you pay for, and the better the quality of the dentures, the more money you will pay. However, even if you need to start off with an economy set of dentures, you can always get a better set later on.

Cosmetic Dentures

Cosmetic dentures are much more expensive than traditional dentures; however, they are made of the highest quality materials and they are customized for individual patients. In fact, the patient has a hand in designing cosmetic dentures. Patients can choose the color, size, and other features of cosmetic dentures. You will work closely with your dentist to choose several different aspects that go into the creation of dentures that will be customized according to your specifications.

While it will take time to adjust to wearing any kind of dentures, it is important that they fit comfortably and that you are able to eat and speak with confidence while wearing them. Work closely with your dentist to ensure that whichever option you choose will be a good fit for you.

Health and Beauty

Finding California Drug Rehab

This article will help you with finding California drug rehab programs in your area. This is an important part of finding help for a person that is suffering from addiction. If you are living in this part of the country then you should consider getting this type of care because it can mean that you are close to your family and friends and the environment maybe also helpful for you as you look for ways to keep from relapsing and to focus on overcoming your substance abuse.

Many times it is hard for a person to realize that they need help for substance abuse. If you have this understanding then you’ll know that California drug rehab can work for you. Getting the right help is something that you should always consider when getting treatment for abuse. By working closely with health care professionals you’ll be sure that you do what is right and be able to sustain your sobriety after getting care. Many times a treatment program will set up a plan of care and you need to do this in order to see where your treatment is going and how it will help you stay sober.

Becoming sober is one of your goals at this time and that’s why Los Angeles drug rehab would be the right fit for you. You can immediately begin treatment and you don’t need to travel far. This is especially important if you are interested in getting outpatient care because you will be able to go the program and then return home later in the evenings.

Many times a person will be unaware that California drug rehab might be the best option for them. The weather in this area is very supportive toward staying healthy because, you can spend most of your time outside. You can also do sports and different activities outside that can also be very important for your recovery. California drug rehab is an excellent way for you to get your life back. Contact a treatment center today and begin healing.

Health and Beauty

What Causes Pain?

With many safe and effective pain management tools available today, living with chronic pain no longer has to diminish your quality of life or prevent you from doing all the things want to do. Varieties of modern pain relief treatments involve medications (pain killers, NSAIDS and muscle relaxers), physical therapy, psychological counseling and alternative chronic pain management techniques such as acupuncture and herbal therapy.

Pain is biological in nature, but the perception of pain is not. Some people living with chronic pain develop a high tolerance to pain, while others experience severe problems coping with pain. Pain tolerance primarily depends on how your brain interprets and processes the pain signals it receives from all areas of the body. Individual interpretation of pain is based on an array of factors such as personality traits, environmental conditions and even genetics.

The perception of pain begins when nerves are subjected to potentially harmful stimuli, such as fire, a sharp object or something so heavy that is crushes nerve endings. Pain receptor cells comprising these nerves immediately signal the brain that something is wrong. Normally, the body responds by trying to get away from the pain as soon as possible.

Internal and external factors can affect the way we perceive pain as it happens as well. For example, someone running the 100-yard dash in the Olympics will probably not feel a sliver of glass enter his foot as he is running because his brain is concentrating on the race. However, someone running for no reason at all may step on the same piece of glass and experience a sharp, stabbing sensation that forces him to stop running and say “Ouch!” This is why doctors study the perception of pain by the brain just as much as the primary cause of pain.

Temporary pain is referred to as “acute” pain and usually disappears as soon as the wound heals. Chronic pain represents the consequence of an ongoing medical condition that does not heal and requires the continual application of chronic pain control methods. Frequently, patients living with chronic pain discover the most difficult aspect of the condition is finding the right combination of medications and therapies that provide the tools necessary for successfully coping with chronic pain.

Different Kinds of Chronic Pain

Diseases and disorders causing chronic pain include:

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Cancer pain
  • Neuralgia
  • Chronic pain syndrome
  • Post traumatic stress syndrome (exacerbated by war wounds)
  • Complex regional pain syndrome

Chronic inflammation and pain generated by any one of these medical conditions often come in the form of:

  • Chronic back pain (lower back pain, upper back pain)
  • Chronic stomach pain
  • Pain in chest
  • Head pain
  • Chronic muscle pain
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Chronic leg pain
  • Chronic shoulder pain
  • Chronic nerve pain

A large majority of people living with chronic pain suffer mostly from some form of back pain due to ruptured disks, accidents, and degenerative diseases. Medications and special exercises comprise many back pain treatment plans, as well as simple things like sleeping on the best mattress for back pain.

Stress Management and Exercise

Exercise releases brain chemicals called endorphins that seem to relieve pain naturally. Whenever possible, doctors ask their chronic pain patients to incorporate exercise in their pain relief treatment program as a way to get these pain-alleviating endorphins flowing through the body and into inflamed pain receptors.

Successfully living with chronic pain also means learning how to manage and reduce stress in your life. Stress and anxiety are definite contributors to chronic pain due to the constantly high levels of cortisol released by unrelenting anxiety. Moreover, receiving chronic pain support from psychological counseling and support groups is yet another excellent way to learn to cope with the mental and physical anguish of chronic pain.

Health and Beauty

Did You Know That CBD Has Significant Effects On The Human Body

CBD is highly sought after by the public. This is evident from Google’s recent searches. How does CBD work within our bodies?

Johns Hopkins University San Diego (and The University of California) recently conducted research into the non-intoxicating CBD frequency. The 2019 study reveals that the 2016-2017 search rates increased 126%. In the next year, it increased by 160%. And in the year following that, it rose by 118%.

What is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabidiol. This is a chemical compound found naturally in the cannabis plant.

CBD isn’t the only one that can be found. More than 100 cannabinoids are known, and each one reacts to the endocannabinoid to play a different role.

Both CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol are well-known cannabinoids. CBD is not psychoactive. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. It doesn’t alter the normal functioning or function of the body. It also doesn’t cause extreme pain.

Many experts in CBD prefer CBD to THC for its multitude of medical benefits. CBD is safe, even though the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate its purity or safety.

Extraction of carbon dioxide is the most efficient way to extract CBD. Even though it’s expensive, this method separates CBD oil from the plant material.

Low temperatures and high levels of pressure are necessary to maximize CBD extraction. CBD extraction is the use of the entire plant for extraction. Manufacturers extract CBD from the stem, stalk, and flowers of hemp plants.

The Endocannabinoid systems receive a wide range of benefits when CBD is extracted.

CBD has significant effects

CBD has many positive effects as explained on Here are some of these important and most common effects CBD has on the body.

Do you have any ideas for pain relief?

Scientists have found that CBD is responsible for the relief of pain.

The endocannabinoid system is responsible in part for the regulation of sleep, regulation of pain, and regulation of appetite. It also regulates the immune response. The body produces Endocannabinoids which act as transmitters.

Recent studies have shown that CBD has a positive effect on the Endocannabinoid and Neurotransmitter receptors. It can help reduce chronic pain, decrease inflammation, and interact with Neurotransmitters. Combine CBD and THC to reduce pain from multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.

Cancer-related symptoms can be treated

Cancer has been a major threat for decades. CBD can be used to treat the side effects of cancer. CBD reduces the pain associated with side effects of treatment for cancer like nausea, vomiting, etc.

CBD can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. These are the most uncomfortable side effects of chemotherapy and can be very distressing for patients.

An experiment was conducted to compare the effects of CBD and THC on 177 individuals suffering from side effects related to cancer treatment. Unfortunately, no relief was found from pain medication. Patients who were treated with CBD and THC had significantly lower pain levels than those who received THC-only extract.

CBD for anxiety / depression

Anxiety or depression is the most prevalent mental disorder that can cause distress and hinder one’s ability to live the happy, fulfilled life that one wants. These conditions can have devastating impacts on one’s overall well-being, health, and happiness.

A majority of pharmaceutical drugs can be used for the treatment and prevention of anxiety and depressive disorders. These drugs can have side effects, such as insomnia, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, and headaches. Some medications, including benzodiazepines, can cause addiction and lead to substance misuse.

Because CBD is a natural compound, there are no side effects. It has shown potential to help reduce stress and anxiety. It has been used in the treatment of anxiety and stress associated with children suffering from post-traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD).

CBD for heart health

CBD has been found to have a great effect on the heart and circulatory system. High blood pressure can be a sign of other health issues such as stroke and heart attack.

High blood pressure can be reduced by CBD, according to studies.

A recent study found that nine healthy men had their blood pressure reduced by using 600mg CBD. The same test was used for men who are supposed to have higher blood pressure. But, the test showed that men experienced a decrease in their blood pressure.

According to researchers, high blood pressure can only be reduced by CBD’s stress- and anxiety-reducing properties. Another study found that CBD used in treatment was effective in reducing oxidative stresses and protecting the heart of diabetic mice.

Neuroprotective properties

CBD is believed to be a great option for patients with neurological disorders. This is due to CBD’s ability to interact with the Endocannabinoid systems and receptors in brain signal systems.

An oral spray containing both CBD (Sativex) and THC (“Sativex”) has been shown to be safe for people suffering from multiple sclerosis.

One study concluded that Sativex could reduce spasms for 75% of 276 patients with multiple sclerosis and muscle spasticity who had been resisting medication. Another study revealed that CBD oil had a lower rate of seizure activity than placebo in children with Dravet Syndrome.

CBD may be able to help with acne

Acne can be described as the most common skin condition. It affects more than 9%. Many factors can contribute to the condition, such as genetics, inflammation, bacteria, overproduction of sebum, and other factors.

Recent scientific studies suggest that CBD may be able to reduce acne. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to decrease sebum production.

An experiment in the lab showed that CBD oil could prevent excess sebum secretion from sebaceous cell cells. It had anti-inflammatory activities that stopped acne-causing agents like inflammatory Cytokines from activating.

Even though the results might be positive, clinical trials to determine the impact of CBD on acne are still needed.

Final thoughts

CBD is one cannabinoid that has been extracted from cannabis plants. CBD has many health benefits, not just THC which can be psychoactive and produce a ‘high. CBD can help you manage stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation, and heart-related conditions.

The United States does have CBD regulations at the federal and state levels. CBD is considered pure when it has been extracted from the plant. This means the government does not approve of the purity of ingredients obtained from manufacturers.

Begin with small amounts of CBD to get started. Then, gradually increase your CBD intake. It is highly recommended that you consult a doctor if you have any questions about the dosage of CBD you need to start using, or the best products to purchase.