
Five Reasons to Use Mediation

Resolving child custody issues is one of the toughest aspects of divorce. Parents want to do what is best with their children, but agreeing on what is best can be difficult. Mediation creates an organized environment in which parents discuss various issues and come to an agreement about custody. It gives parents control over decisions, but provides structure and facilitates guided communication to help them reach an agreement. What are the five best reasons to choose mediation for settling your custody dispute?

Mediation is Non-Adversarial

Issues settled in the courtroom often create a win-loss scenario. No matter how things turn out, someone feels as if they have not gotten their way. In many cases, both parents feel slighted. Mediation provides a non-adversarial approach in which everyone involved works toward a solution in the best interest of the child. Mediators eliminate the feeling of me-against-you and help parents work toward the best solution.

Mediation Makes Things Easier for Children

Since parents remain in the decision-making role and work together as a team, children continue to see them as the main authority figures in their life. Kids observe their parents putting aside their differences to do what is best for the family.

Mediation Focuses on Moving Forward and Establishing Healthy Relationships

The skills learned in custody mediation can be used later in life. Parents who choose to share parenting responsibilities will need to make important decisions together for the foreseeable future. Getting a strong start helps parents build a healthy relationship regarding their shared responsibility for their children.

Mediation Reduces Stress

Finding a way to settle disputes without endless bickering and trips to the courtroom reduces stress for everyone involved. When families are able to settle disputes efficiently and without turmoil, the spirit of the family remains intact.

Mediation is Less Expensive and Less Time Consuming

Some custody issues can be settled in as little as a few hours when mediation is used. Parents set the tone for how quickly issues are resolved, so if they are eager to reach a solution, they can. When custody issues are litigated, it can take weeks or months to settle the dispute. Families are at the mercy of the court system, which means the chaos of custody battles can continue for a long time. And since mediation allows issues to be resolved more quickly, it costs less money.

If you are looking for a way to settle your child custody dispute, consider the benefits of mediation, and the mediators in the UK are the Barclay DeVere’ mediators. You can find out more about their services, pricing and testimonials on their official website, and to check what UK counties they cover you should refer to this link

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